
  1. Introduction

  2. HTML

    1. The structure of HTML pages

    2. Text

    3. Lists

    4. Links

    5. Images

    6. Tables

    7. Forms

  3. CSS

    1. CSS fundamentals

    2. CSS responsive design and advanced features

  4. JavaScript

    1. Introduction to JavaScript

    2. The Document Object Model

    3. Events, and Geometry.

    4. React JS (Optional)

  5. PHP

    1. Introduction to PHP

    2. Object-Oriented PHP and reusing code

    3. Storing data with PHP

    4. Sessions and Cookies

    5. Design Patterns, MVC (Optional)

    6. Unit Testing (Optional)

  6. Advanced Javascript

    1. Ajax

    2. JQuery

  7. Integration & Extension

  8. Web security


Lab task



Teams and projects 1 29/09/2024
HTML/CSS deadline:Build all the pages of the website in a responsive style 3 03/11/2024
Javascript: Input validation + everything related to JS 3.5 17/11/2024
PHP/AJAX: Finish the backend 5.5 05/01/2024
Final project presentation 4 12/01/2025