I. Introduction to PHP
- A PHP document will output only HTML.
- If you have only PHP code in a file, you may omit the closing ?>. This can be a good practice, as it will ensure that you have no excess whitespace leaking from your PHP files (especially important when you're writing object-oriented code).
- PHP commands ended with must a semicolon.
//Including PHP in a File:
<?php echo "Salem"; ?>
// Or
<? echo "Salem"; ?>
Writing Comments
Description | |
// | Denotes comments that only span on one line |
# | Another way of producing single-line comments |
/*...*/ | Everything between /* and */ is not executed, also works across several lines |
<?php echo "Salem Aleykoum"; // This is a single-line comment
# This is also a single-line comment
This is a multiple-lines comment block
that spans over multiple
II. Variables
- You must place a $ in front of all variables.
- Variable names, after the dollar sign, must start with a letter of the alphabet or the _ (underscore) character.
- Variable names can contain only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ (underscore).
- Variable names should not contain spaces.
- Variable names are case-sensitive.
- PHP also supports the bytes from 127 through 255 in variable names. This means that you can use the characters with accents, tildes, and other diacritical marks in your variable names. For example, you could use the variable name $café.
<?php $My_Variable = "Introduction to PHP";
echo $My_Variable;
Variable Scope
- Local variables: Local variables are variables that are created within, and can be accessed only by, a function. One set of local variables is the list of arguments to a function.
- Global variables: To access variables from global scope, add the keyword global.
// Declare a global variable in a separate file:
global $The_Global_Variable;
Then access it in another file:
$The_Global_Variable = "I am a global variable";
echo $The_Global_Variable;
- Static variables: A local variable inside a function that you don't want any other parts of your code to have access to, but you would also like to keep its value for the next time the function is called.
- The next time the function is called, because $count has already been declared, the first line of the function is skipped.
- If you plan to use static variables, you should note that you cannot assign the result of an expression in their definitions. They can be initialized only with predetermined values.
function test()
static $count = 0;
echo $count;
echo "<br>";
- Superglobal variables: predefined variables known as superglobal variables, which means that they are provided by the PHP environment but are global within the program, accessible absolutely everywhere.
- All of the superglobals (except for $GLOBALS) are named with a single initial underscore and only capital letters. Here is the complete list.
function test() { $foo = "local variable"; echo '$foo in global scope: ' . $GLOBALS["foo"] . "\n"; echo '$foo in current scope: ' . $foo . "\n"; } $foo = "Example content"; test(); ?>
$foo in current scope: local variable
- To declare a constant, use the define() function.
- Then, to read the contents of the variable, you just refer to it like a regular variable (but it isn't preceded by a dollar sign).
- Predefined Constants: PHP comes ready-made with dozens of predefined constants known as the magic constants. The names of the magic constants always have two underscores at the beginning and two at the end. Here is the complete list.
define("ROOT_LOCATION", "/usr/local/www/");
III. Strings
- PHP supports two types of strings that are denoted by the type of quotation mark that you use. If you wish to assign a literal string, preserving the exact contents, you should use single quotation marks (apostrophes).
- In this case, every character within the single-quoted string is assigned to $Single_Quote_String. If you had used double quotes, PHP would have attempted to evaluate $My_Variable as a variable.
- On the other hand, when you want to include the value of a variable inside a string, you do so by using double-quoted strings.
- As you will realize, this syntax also offers a simpler option to concatenation in which you don't need to use a period, or close and reopen quotes, to append one string to another. This is called variable substitution.
- String concatenation uses the period (.) to append one string of characters to another.
$My_Variable = "Introduction to PHP <br>";
echo $My_Variable;
$Single_Quote_String = 'This is a string declared with single quotes $My_Variable <br>';
echo $Single_Quote_String;
$Double_Quote_String = "This is a string declared with double quotes $My_Variable <br>";
echo $Double_Quote_String;
$Concatenated_String = '$My_Variable contains the follwing value: ' . $My_Variable;
echo $Concatenated_String;
$My_Variable .= $My_Variable;
echo $My_Variable;
This is a string declared with single quotes $My_Variable
This is a string declared with double quotes Introduction to PHP
$My_Variable contains the follwing value: Introduction to PHP
Introduction to PHP
Introduction to PHP
- To escape characters with special meaning add a backslash directly before to tell PHP to treat the character literally and not to interpret it
- These special backslash-preceded characters work only in double-quoted strings. In single-quoted strings, the preceding string would be displayed.
- Within single-quoted strings, only the escaped apostrophe (\') and escaped backslash itself (\\) are recognized as escaped characters.
echo "<pre>";
echo 'It\'s a beautiful day! <br>';
echo "He said:\n \"It's \ta \tbeautiful \tday!\" <br>";
echo 'He said:\n \"It\'s \ta \tbeautiful \tday!\" <br>';
echo "</pre>";
He said:
"It's a beautiful day!"
He said:\n \"It's \ta \tbeautiful \tday!\"
IV. Operators
Operators | Description | Example |
Arithmetic |
+ Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division % Modulus ++ Increment -- Decrement ** Exponentiation (or power) |
$j + 1 $j - 1 $j * 11 $j / 4 $j % 9 ++$j --$j $j**2 |
Comparison |
== Is equal to != Is not equal to > Is greater than < Is less than >= Is greater than or equal to <= Is less than or equal to <> Is not equal to === Is identical to !== Is not identical to Because PHP is a loosely typed language, if the two operands of an equality expression are of different types, PHP will convert them to whatever type makes the best sense to it. A rarely used identity operator, which consists of three equals signs in a row, can be used to compare items without doing conversion. See example below. |
$j == 4 $j != 21 $j > 3 $j < 100 $j >= 15 $j <= 8 $j <> 23 $j === "987" $j !== "1.2e3" |
Logical |
&& And and Low-precedence and || Or or Low-precedence or ! Not xor Exclusive or A lower precedence force a second statement to execute if the first fails. |
$j == 3 && $k == 2 $j == 3 and $k == 2 $j < 5 || $j > 10 $j < 5 or $j > 10 ! ($j == $k) $j xor $k |
Assignment |
= += -= *= /= .= %= |
$j = 15 Equivalent to $j = 15 $j += 5 Equivalent to $j = $j + 5 $j -= 3 Equivalent to $j = $j - 3 $j *= 8 Equivalent to $j = $j * 8 $j /= 16 Equivalent to $j = $j / 16 $j .= $k Equivalent to $j = $j . $k $j %= 4 Equivalent to $j = $j % 4 |
increment/decrement |
++$x; Pre-increment $x++; Post-increment --$y; Pre-decrement $y--; Post-decrement |
$j = 0; echo ++$j + 3; |
$a = "1000";
$b = "+1000";
if ($a == $b) echo "1";
if ($a === $b) echo "2";
V. Loops
For Loop
for (starting counter value; ending counter value; increment by which to increase) {
// code to execute goes here
for ($i = 1, $j = 1 ; $i + $j < 10 ; $i++ , $j++)
// code to execute goes here
The key is to distinguish commas from semicolons. The three parameters must be separated by
semicolons. Within each parameter, multiple statements can be separated by commas.
for ($count = 1; $count <= 10; ++$count)
echo "Salem for the $count time <br>" ;
Salem for the 2 time
Salem for the 3 time
Salem for the 4 time
Salem for the 5 time
Salem for the 6 time
Salem for the 7 time
Salem for the 8 time
Salem for the 9 time
Salem for the 10 time
Foreach Loop
foreach ($InsertYourArrayName as $value) {
// code to execute goes here
While Loop
while (condition that must apply) {
// code to execute goes here
$count = 10;
while ($count > 1) {
echo "Salem <br>";
Do..While Loop
do {
// code to execute goes here;
while (condition that must apply);
$count = 1;
echo "Salem for the $count time <br>";
while (++$count <= 12);
Salem for the 2 time
Salem for the 3 time
Salem for the 4 time
Salem for the 5 time
Salem for the 6 time
Salem for the 7 time
Salem for the 8 time
Salem for the 9 time
Salem for the 10 time
Salem for the 11 time
Salem for the 12 time
break 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) { echo $i . " " . $j . "<br>"; if ($j == 5) { break 2; } } if ($i == 4) { break; } echo $i . "<br>"; }
VI. Conditional statements
If Statement
An else statement closes either an if...else or an if...elseif...else statement. You can leave out a final else if it is not required, but you cannot have one before an elseif; you also cannot have an elseif before an if statement.
if (condition) {
// code to execute if condition is met
elseif (another condition) {
// code to execute if this condition is met
else {
// code to execute if none of the conditions are met
Switch Statement
With switch statements, you do not use curly braces inside case commands. Instead, they commence with a colon and end with the break statement. The entire list of cases in the switch statement is enclosed in a set of curly braces, though.
switch (n) {
case x:
code to execute if n=x;
case y:
code to execute if n=y;
// add more cases as needed
code to execute if n is neither of the above;
The ? (or ternary) Operator
$Variable = $Condition ?
"Value to return when true" :
"Value to return when false";
VII. Functions
The general syntax for a function is as follows:
function function_name([parameter [, ...]])
// Statements to execute
The first line of the syntax indicates the following:
- A definition starts with the word function.
- A name follows, which must start with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
- The parentheses are required.
- One or more parameters, separated by commas, are optional.
function myFunction() { echo "Hello World!"; } myFunction();
VIII. Arrays
- Some arrays are referenced by numeric indexes; others allow alphanumeric identifiers.
Indexed arrays
- Arrays that have a numeric index.
- each time you assign a value to the array $Student, the first empty location within that array is used to store the value, and a pointer internal to PHP is incremented to point to the next free location
$Student[] = "Karim";
$Student[] = "Amel";
$Student[] = "Nour";
$Student[] = "Ahmed";
$Student[0] = "Karim";
$Student[1] = "Amel";
$Student[2] = "Nour";
$Student[3] = "Ahmed";
[0] => Karim
[1] => Amel
[2] => Nour
[3] => Ahmed
Associative arrays
- Associative arrays reference the items in an array by name rather than by number.
- The names (Karim, Amel, and so on) are called indexes or keys, and the items assigned to them (such as First Year Student) are called values.
$Student["Karim"] = "First Year Student";
$Student["Amel"] = " Second Year Student";
$Student["Nour"] = " Third Year Student";
$Student["Ahmed"] = " Fourth Year Student";
[Karim] => First Year Student
[Amel] => Second Year Student
[Nour] => Third Year Student
[Ahmed] => Fourth Year Student
Assignment Using the array Keyword
Using the format key => value. The use of => is similar to the regular = assignment operator, except that you are assigning a value to an index rather than to a variable.
$My_Array = array("Karim", "Amel", "Nour", "Ahmed");
echo "<br>";
$My_Second_Array = array("Karim" => "First Year Student",
"Amel" => "Second Year Student",
"Nour"=> "Third Year Student",
"Ahmed" => "Fourth Year Student");
[0] => Karim
[1] => Amel
[2] => Nour
[3] => Ahmed
Array (
[Karim] => First Year Student
[Amel] => Second Year Student
[Nour] => Third Year Student
[Ahmed] => Fourth Year Student
The foreach...as Loop
- The foreach...as loop is especially for arrays: . Using it, you can step through all the items in an array, one at a time, and
- When PHP encounters a foreach statement, it takes the first item of the array and places it in the variable following the as keyword; and each time control flow returns to the foreach, the next array element is placed in the as keyword.
$Students = array("Karim", "Amel", "Nour", "Ahmed");
foreach ($Students as $Student) {
echo $Student . "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$Students_Year = array(
"Karim" => "First Year Student",
"Amel" => "Second Year Student",
"Nour" => "Third Year Student",
"Ahmed" => "Fourth Year Student");
foreach ($Students_Year as $Student => $Year) {
echo $Student . " is a " . $Year . "<br>";
Karim is a First Year Student
Amel is a Second Year Student
Nour is a Third Year Student
Ahmed is a Fourth Year Student
Multidimensional arrays
- Arrays that contain one or more other arrays.
- You can directly access a particular element of the array by using square brackets: $array[0][1].
$University_Staff = array(
'Students_Year' => array("Karim" => "First Year Student",
"Amel" => "Second Year Student",
"Nour" => "Third Year Student",
"Ahmed" => "Fourth Year Student"),
'Teachers' => array("Mohamed" => "DSA",
"Hassan" => "DB",
"Ali" => "OS",
"Omar" => "AI"),
'Courses' => array("DSA" => "Data Structure",
"DB" => "Data Base",
"OS" => "Operating System",
"AI" => "Artificial Intelligence")
echo "<br>";
echo $University_Staff['Courses']['DSA'];
[Students_Year] => Array (
[Karim] => First Year Student
[Amel] => Second Year Student
[Nour] => Third Year Student
[Ahmed] => Fourth Year Student
[Teachers] => Array (
[Mohamed] => DSA
[Hassan] => DB
[Ali] => OS
[Omar] => AI
[Courses] => Array (
[DSA] => Data Structure
[DB] => Data Base
[OS] => Operating System
[AI] => Artificial Intelligence
Data Structure
Array functions
Here the complete list.Function | Description | Example |
is_array | To check whether a variable is an array. | $Students = array("Karim", "Amel", "Nour", "Ahmed"); $Another_Variable = "Anything"; if (is_array($Students)) echo "Yes, it's an array"; else echo "No, it's not an array"; |
count | To count all the elements in the top level of an array. To know how many elements there are altogether in a multidimensional array, you can use count($fred, 1); The second parameter is optional and sets the mode to use. It should be either 0 to limit counting to only the top level or 1 to force recursive counting of all subarray elements too. |
echo count($Students); |
sort | It will act directly on the supplied array rather than returning a new array of sorted elements. It returns TRUE on success and FALSE on error and also supports a few flags: sort($Students, SORT_NUMERIC); OR sort($Students, SORT_STRING); To sort an array in reverse order using the rsort function: rsort($Students, SORT_NUMERIC); OR rsort($Students, SORT_STRING); |
sort($Students); print_r($Students); |
explode | can take a string containing several items separated by a single character (or string of characters) and then place each of these items into an array. The first parameter, the delimiter, can be several characters. |
$URL = "https://ensia-ai.github.io/Web_Development_2023/"; $temp = explode("/", $URL); print_r($temp); |
extract | To turn the key/value pairs from an array into PHP variables. If the variables were sent using the GET method, they will be placed in an associative array called $_GET; if they were sent using POST, they will be placed in an associative array called $_POST. Be careful with this approach, though, because if any extracted variables conflict with ones that you have already defined, your existing values will be overwritten. To avoid this possibility, you can use one of the many additional parameters available to this function, like this: extract($_GET, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'fromget'); In this case, all the new variables will begin with the given prefix string followed by an underscore. |
extract($Students_Year); echo "Karim is a $Karim<br>"; echo "Amel is a $Amel<br>"; echo "Nour is a $Nour<br>"; echo "Ahmed is a $Ahmed<br>"; |
compact | The inverse of extract. Note how compact requires the variable names to be supplied in quotes, not preceded by a $ symbol. This is because compact is looking for a list of variable names, not their values. |
$temp= compact("Karim","Amel","Nour","Ahmed"); print_r($temp); |